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Başarı Psikolojisi - DTÖ Seminerler

Renunciation And Freedom


Lately, there have been many news stories and images circulating on the television, internet, and social media. The most striking one is the scene of children in Palestine throwing stones at tanks, targeting Israeli soldiers with makeshift slingshots, marching towards them, and standing defiantly against them... Isn't it fascinating? These are children aged 6 to 12, or even younger!

What is it in these children? Courage, fearlessness, self-confidence, warrior spirit... or perhaps freedom...

Who could be so free in the face of death faced with soldiers clad in armour, in special uniforms, and standing tall against them? They definitely are brave children.

They have absolutely given up something in their lives, for that they are quite free. Yet, these are just children!

With the struggle for life in difficult conditions, the clarity in their faces is something else! Isn't it very impressive? They are children, they lack knowledge, yet they are equally free...

With bomb-made fun songs in their mouths, the funniest game they play is "martyrdom"; in which one of the children lies on a sheet pretending to be dead. When asked:" What are you doing?" the response is: "We're playing martyrdom!"... It's not said in vain, " Death is child's game in Palestine..."

These children do know something... as they have given up their lives!

"A child wouldn't understand death!" one says. But, they understand, sir! They do!... They have been amid death for years. They have already lost their loved ones long ago. With the continues bombardment for the last five months without ceasing fire, they do understand better than you and me!

Life tells us that if our perspective changed, our situation changes accordingly. The given messages certainly have meanings, especially in this world where there are no coincidences...

"When people got the sense of words and act according to their true meanings, they can form a community and their minds can relax," says the Experiential Design Teaching.

So, what is freedom truly? Is it climbing mountains? going wherever you want whenever you want? Being able to say what you want, eat what you want, or get what you want?

Freedom is the potential to renounce. If we can renounce something in life, then we are free. Just like the Palestinian child's ability to renounce his life. If I can renounce my beauty, my handsomeness, my home, my car, my phone, or even my hair, then I am free from them.

So, what can't I renounce in my life? Certainly, where I'm dependent... Addiction is not just about bad habits; if I can't break up with a relationship that harms me, then I am addicted there. Or whatever I say I can’t stand without it; I am also addicted to it.

What happening with the children of Palestine now makes perfect sense because they are truly free. That's why they are clear and fearless, and even playing games amidst the rubble of destroyed houses while bombs are raining over them. 

The more we renounce in life, the freer we are, and there's certainly a reward for this renunciationFreedom is the work of people with willpower, and strength... It's child's game in Palestine :)

The more renunciation, the more freedom... The freer we are, the truer happiness is with us...

Now when we look at ourselves,

What am I free from?

What wouldn't bother me if it has been taken away from me?

What can I renounce?

And how happy I am in this life?


  1. Ayşe Füsun Temelci19 Şubat 2024 20:37

    An article that raises awareness, facts that exist in our lives but we cannot realize. Thank you for your pen!🥰

  2. Good ❤ Thanks alot

  3. Fortunately The Palestine wiill be free one day☝️🇵🇸

  4. Gazzedeki çocuklar gibi bir gün özgürleşmek dilegi ile...

  5. It's a fact that we, all people around the world, learned a lot from Palestinian kids...
    We all pray for the ending of this oppression...

  6. Freedom is the most charming property of a person... Hope to be much more free 🙋‍♀️

  7. Then I'm as free as what I give up..

  8. Very successful

  9. True love is giving up even though you can give up, those who are dependent cannot be free, those who cannot be free cannot be happy.

  10. "Death is child's game in Palestine..."
    :( My heart hurts... i'm not writing... not speaking...


  11. It was a heartfelt article. thank you

  12. Freiheit ist die Möglichkeit aufzugeben. Wir haben von unseren palästinensischen Brüdern verstanden, was Freiheit bedeutet ...

  13. Palestinian children taught us a lot. one is freedom

  14. Rümeysa Gökkaya19 Şubat 2024 21:56

    Everything is for Palestine, humanity, the hope and us...

  15. I hope they will be freedom

  16. Melek Nur Okumuş20 Şubat 2024 06:44

    All people around the world, learned a lot from Palestinian and Palestinian kids
    We all hope and pray for ending of this genocide…

  17. Danke für deinen Stift

  18. Death is child's game in Palestine... :(

  19. Such a beautiful piece of wtiting. Thanks to everyone involved.
    You are appreciated. 🧡🧡🧡

  20. And how happy I am in this life?
    This is true question!

  21. If we can renounce something in life, then we are free. So what can I renounce?

  22. Even their games are based on freedom and reality

  23. Thank you for your pen 🌸🌸

  24. Whose business is freedom really? It seems to be the work of the free children of Palestine who play martyrs under the bombs.

  25. A powerful reminder by little children ..

  26. Being free... What a comfort it actually is. So how free are you?...

  27. You are as free as you can give up

  28. People think they are free. What a huge mistake. People are so addicted to whatever they say "they can't do without". In fact, if they say they can't get up without drinking coffee in the morning, they are actually addicted to coffee.However, today they may lose everything they have in one night. But only those who are not addicted can get back on their feet...

    1. you are right ... we are not free ... we are addicted to many things in life ...

  29. Wonderful Message 🙏❤️

  30. Eline emeğine yüreğine sağlık çok güzel bir yazı olmuş

  31. the worse is that you cannot see this attachment

  32. They are children, they lack knowledge, yet they are equally free...

  33. Men, women and children in Palestine can give up the most precious thing they have: their lives. That is why they are so free! We have much to learn from them. Thank you for the beautiful article

  34. Godd,,thankyou🌿

  35. Filistin özgürdür
    Gözlerinden akan her damla göz yaşı zalimlerin helak eder Rabbim isterse

  36. Sad and beautiful truths. Thank you 🙏🏻

  37. The freer we are, the more real happiness is ours...

  38. The idea of letting go of attachments and finding true freedom is a powerful one, and you've explored it in a way that is both insightful and inspiring.

  39. When I first heard the definition of freedom in this training, I was very surprised. Now, it is very meaningful that you say this for Palestinian children. Thank

  40. Thank you for your article written in such a clear and soothing way.
    Freedom suits man

  41. I hope we will be among those who can be truly free. Thanks for this nice article

  42. Kaleminize sağlık. Özgür olabilmek dileği ile...

  43. Yazılarınızda o kadar çok emek var k... Tebrik ediyorum bizleri düşündürdüğünüz için...

  44. 👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻🌸

  45. What wouldn't bother me if it has been taken away from me?


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